in Network Marketing

Let me tell you a little secret that I’ve learned through many days of trial and error in network marketing… you don’t have to do it alone. Yep. That’s my secret. You do not have to do network marketing alone to grow your business.

I’m sure you’ve heard the quote “Teamwork makes the Dreamwork” …well – it’s true even for network marketing. There is no “I” in team, thus people have to work together to truly build a profitable business.

Now I know, many of us think that I you partner with someone you’ll losing out on profits, leads and maybe even creditability but what I have found is the exact opposite. You don’t even have to necessarily be in the same marketing group together, but what I have found that shared experiences, strategies of what works and what doesn’t goes along way. Take me, for example, I’ve been actively doing network marketing for about 6 months. Prior to that I worked a corporate job that was driving me nuts, making me sick – literally and taking all my time. I had joined other MLM and network marketing companies along the way but never did more than enough to make my initial investment back. BUT 6 months ago something happened, a light bulb went off and I left corporate to pursue my dreams and joined a company I love. Along the way – I realized I was working harder but was ok with that because I was working for myself. I found a lot of things that DID NOT work. Spent a lot of extra money for products and services that DID NOT deliver the claimed results. I was spinning the mouse wheel and started to feel defeated. I did not know at the time that TEAMWORK makes the DREAMWORK – I was trying to do it all by myself.

One late night internet search later, I came across a site that had tutorials, articles and videos that actually showed me step-by-step how to do certain things ALL internet marketers needed to know. AND it was free! I plugged in and took advantage of all the free information and guides – even if that meant I had to opt in for a couple of things. I was getting this valuable information SOMEONE ELSE put together and made it work for my business. Slowly but surely, I started to sale products, traffic started coming out of the wood works for my site, and my level of expertise began to grow tremendously because of these tools. I started getting online marketing success because of the help I received from someone else. I took information from a team of folks who went through the same crap I had endured- they found the solution and willingly, voluntarily did the same for me. They believed and understood the concept of giving back and the belief that TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAMWORK in network marketing. You don’t have to do it alone anymore. Yes, it’s your brand, it’s your product, your website, your money but why not get plugged in to a system that truly provides value and step-by-step guides to your success. What do you have to lose? Nothing except financial and time freedom IF you don’t take advantage of this system. Join myself and a great team of marketers, mentors and success driven individuals in creating a lasting partnership to your success. TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAMWORK – click here and join the group that doesn’t just talk about success but works with you every day to create it.

Note: There are 3 types of systems you will find out there… those that promote working in isolation, those that stress working against others or the system that promotes working with a community. John and I hope that you find the perfect fit for your business that drives you to internet marketing success. Just know this, many of us who find the success we desire in network marketing, did not find it by working alone.

To your success-  If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

-John and Nicole